powered by... Adam's Crappy Attempt - - -
The ACA’s goal is to be excessively good at doing absolutely nothing, while involving as many people as possible in the process.  We’re not sure if we’re failing miserably at it or succeeding beyond our wildest dreams.  Frankly, we don’t know the difference.

MSNBC - N-Star To Expand Search For Stray Electric Current

Apparently, you're putting your dog at risk every time you walk him across a manhole. And I thought those covers were there to protect us from the CHUDs, mole men, and crab people. I wonder if there's any way to find out which covers are causing the problem. We could use some Mad Dog 20/20 to gain access to hobos for testing. Are they usually barefoot?
posted by Matt 3/09/2004 03:09:00 PM

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