powered by... Adam's Crappy Attempt - - -
The ACA’s goal is to be excessively good at doing absolutely nothing, while involving as many people as possible in the process.  We’re not sure if we’re failing miserably at it or succeeding beyond our wildest dreams.  Frankly, we don’t know the difference.

Ok... you all know the ACA Air Hockey table lacks some of the more commonly seen features of say, a "conventional" Air Hockey table. Like pucks, for example. But we've always been able to make do with frozen slices of canadian bacon, haven't we??

Well, according to the Department of Public Health, it's "UNSAFE" to eat that afterwards, for some reason. What the Hell! Anyway, ACA Management has found a temporary solution with Virtual Air hockey. It lacks that charming buzz noise, and you can't stick you thumb in front of the goal to cheat... but atleast you can just reboot if you're losing.

posted by Adam 2/04/2004 11:49:00 AM

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